My Mind is My Temple Bolo Tie

My Mind is My Temple Bolo Tie


I woke up the day after my 39th birthday with an impulse to journal. What I discovered in that time of reflection was that I’d like to place my intention as I entered my 40’s next year, with a focus on health. After journaling, I discovered my mantra for this next year.

A mantra is a sound or group of words repeated to aid in concentration, to bring you back to center.We’ve all heard “my body is my temple”. This beautiful idea that we only get one body and to treat it with reverence.However, It struck me that, living with this as priority, overlooks the incredible impact of my mind.I don’t know about you but my mind has run amuck. I’ve let it take the driver’s seat as it narrates my day. The voice that plays in my mind should be aligned with my beliefs, it should be kind and loving not only to myself but to the people around me. It should be supportive and uplifting. Similar to a temple, it should be a place of peace and growth. A connection to the my higher self. Not a place of insult and judgement.This year, I intend to take that voice back and recenter myself with a mantra to help. This jewelry collection is that visual cue for myself, that my mind is my temple.

This Bolo tie is your reminder that YOUR mind is YOUR temple.

Made from sterling silver.

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